Grab those cell phones and get out there! We've created an APF Virtual Scavenger Hunt to get everyone up from the couch away from bingeing Netflix or Hamilton or any other mindless activity. Hey all in the Akron LGBTQ+ and greater community! Let's engage and have some fun, since we cannot all gather at Hardesty Park this summer. While masks will not be required, those who wish to wear them and social distance are welcome to do so. DAP requests that all attendees self-monitor and not attend events if they show symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19.
You will be asked to agree to the waiver during registration.These activities are supported by Downtown Akron Partnership and the Knight Foundation.ĭAP will follow CDC, State and local health orders regarding COVID-19 during all events. Parking is available in the State Street Parking Deck and costs $2, or at metered spaces on Main Street and surround streets.Īll participants must agree to the Liability Waiver. Pre-registration is encouraged as space is limited, but on site registration will be allowed. While the class is free, we will be collecting donations for the Akron Pride Festival which will take place in downtown Akron on Saturday, August 28. Join Yoga Squared for a FREE, hour-long Yoga class benefiting the Akron Pride Festival from 5:30-6:30 p.m.